Choose the document(s) you want to have signed, right-click on it and select “Sign Electronically”.

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In the pop-up window, if the selected document(s) is correct, click on Continue to open the envelope template (see example below).

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When the email is ready, click on “Continue” to select the recipients. After verifying the recipients click on “Place Signatures” and the window will re-direct to DocuSign.

DocuSign Window

If there is more than 1 recipient, select the first recipient that you want to sign.

Drag the ‘Signature’ or ‘Initial’ icon to the corresponding signature line in the document. 

  • Align the icon with the left side of the signature line
  • View the customizable options on the right
Use the scroll bar when adding signatures to multiple documents.

If there are multiple recipients, repeat the steps above.

When complete, click “Send” and the recipient(s) will receive an email requesting their signature.

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Changes or Mistakes

If you made a mistake, you have two options to fix it:

  1. Edit the DocuSign document
    This option is only available if the Column icon is in the blue or red status. If it has been signed by all parties (Green status), you will need to do step 2.
    1. Click on the pencil icon to open the DocuSign details and click “Edit”
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    2. The DocuSign window will open, and you can make your necessary changes
  2. If parties have already signed the document, you will need to start over and clear out the signed document. 
    1. Click on the number in the ‘Revision’ column 
    2. Right-click on the original document and select “Promote to Master Document”
    3. After the original document is promoted, click on the revisions again and delete the revised document(s). This will wipe out the signature status and you can start over.

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