This release offers a variety of new features and enhancements.

Enhanced User Interface

A new, cleaner design that’s more readable.
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New Feature - Combine PDF Documents

Combine multiple PDF documents into a single document. Change the order of PDFs using drag and drop. The ‘Combine PDF’ icon appears on the folder toolbar next to the ‘Move’ option.
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This feature allows you to select multiple PDF documents from an Archive folder and combine them into a single PDF. The order of the documents can be changed by a mouse left-click and HOLD on the document you want to move. Simply hold and drag it above any document to change the order. 

External documents can be added to the combine process and documents can be removed as needed.

New Feature - Folder Summary Page 

A complete summary of a folder which includes all documents, keywords, and notes. The summary report can be emailed, printed, or saved as a PDF. The ‘Folder Summary’ icon appears on the folder toolbar next to the ‘DocuSign’ option. 
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New "Folder Summary" Screen:
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New Feature - Include Sub/Virtual Folders 

When a folder has subfolders or virtual folders tied to it, the ‘Include Sub/Virtual Folders’ option allows the user to view all documents from all folders at once. The ‘Include Sub/Virtual Folders’ checkbox is located at the bottom of a folder below the paging buttons.

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New Feature - Report Scheduler

Set Archive reports to run based on schedules. Reports can be auto emailed to recipients as needed.

New Features for DocuSign 

  • Added the ability to create new Archive documents from custom DocuSign templates with pre-populated RamQuest fields. Example… buyer and seller forms.
  • Added the ability to retrieve a ‘DocuSign Certificate of Completion’ after all documents have been signed.
  • When selecting an email template for a DocuSign email, the subject field can now include Archive merge fields or RamQuest fields or a combination of both. 

RamQuest Interface Enhancements

  • Documents from Closing Market, FileScan, or Paperless Closer will automatically import as virtual documents into the Archive. This eliminates the manual import process.
  • Added ability to publish Archive documents to FileScan.
  • Added the following RamQuest fields as Archive merge fields:
    • Mortgage Policy Date, Number, and Amount
    • Owners Policy Amount
    • Title Company Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Fax

Enhanced Notes Module

  • Added formatting options when creating notes such as bold, italic, font size and color.
  • Added sort, print, email, and save as PDF options when viewing all notes within a folder.
  • When creating a new note or editing an existing note, you can notify someone of the note via an inbox alert or email. The content of the note will be sent along with the notification. 
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The new notes module has several new features which include bold, italic, underline, font size and color. An html editor is built in for added convenience and functionality. The updated ‘Save and Notify’ now includes the ability to alert someone of the note via email or inbox alert or both. The content of the note will be sent along with the notification. 

Enhanced tooltips

  • Hyperlink – hovering over the hyperlink icon will allow for a quick copy of the public URL address.
  • Document Keywords – hovering over the document keyword icon will display the document keyword values.
  • Folder Keywords – hovering over the keywords toolbar item will display the folder keyword values.
  • Notes – hovering over the note icon will display the most recent note.
  • Revisions – hovering over the revision icon will display the document revision information.
  • Virtual – hovering over the virtual document icon will display the location of the master document.
  • Virtual copies – hovering over the virtual copies icon will display the virtual copy locations.

Workflow enhancements

  • Compare keyword dates values.
  • Added the ability to notify a user/group if a specific doctype has not been uploaded within so many days of a folder creation date.


  • Added ability to rename a revision document.
  • Added ability to select all Inbox alerts for deletion.
  • New Login Screen will be your first introduction to the updated design:
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Summary of new features on the Folder View screen:

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The folder view page has six additional features added to it. Below is a brief explanation of each of the numbered bullet items shown above:

  • Combine PDF – combine multiple PDF documents into a single document.
  • DocuSign - create new Archive documents from custom DocuSign templates.
  • Summary - a complete summary of a folder which includes all documents, keywords, and notes.
  • FileScan Column - publish Archive documents to FileScan.
  • Include Sub/Virtual Folders – toggle checkbox to display all documents in the primary folder and include documents in sub or virtual folders that are tied to it.
  • Include Sub/Virtual Folders column. This column will appear if the ‘Include Sub/Virtual Folders’ checkbox is checked. It will display an icon in the column indicating the document belongs to another folder. Hovering over the icon will display the location of the document.