Each user has a “My Profile” section which contains user specific settings.

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From here you can update user information, set defaults, and turn features on or off. Below are just a few examples:

  1. The “Default Doc Sort” setting allows you to set the default sort order when viewing folders. The system default is set to sort by the “Doc Name” column. Maybe your preference would be to sort by the “Upload Date” column descending so the newest documents are always on top.
  2. The “Default Email Subject” setting allows you to set your default email subject when emailing documents from the Archive.
  3. “User Information” fields such as Name, Title, Company, etc. can used as merge fields when defining email templates.
  4. There are 20 custom fields at the bottom of the “User Information” section that can be used for any purpose. For example, you may define a custom field called “License No.” All custom fields can also be used as merge fields when defining email templates. A single email template can be setup for the entire agency which consists of merge fields that pull from the user’s “My Profile”.
  5. The “Display Options” within the “My Profile” settings allow you to customize the look and feel when opening folders. Document columns can be turned on and off as well as toolbar items and menu options.